Radhika, Associate Consultant

What was your background prior to joining OC&C?
I completed a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, before spending 1 year at a science software start up in a Business Development role.

What’s your favourite OC&C experience?
Having the opportunity to work for a project in the Boston office was a great chance to work with our international colleagues, as well as meet members of the other US offices at the US Away Weekend in the Bahamas!

What do you like to get up to in your free time outside the office?
I enjoy Spin classes and Hot Yoga; I’m also a bit of a traveller, hoping to visit my 50th country this year.

What advice would you give to someone applying at OC&C?
Be structured in your application and during the interview – leveraging your own experiences where relevant to show broader commercial awareness goes a long way.

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