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venerdì 23 marzo 2018

Welcome to the Jungle: Amazon in Grocery

Jeff Bezos has talked about winning in grocery for more than a decade, and last year’s $14 billion take-over of Whole Foods was a clear statement that he won’t be backing away from that ambition any time soon

giovedì 22 marzo 2018

Is transformation possible in a world where algorithms are determining your shareholders?

I thought this FT article on the role of tech in retail was really fascinating. Less about the impact that tech is obviously having on how consumers shop and the role of retail space, but more about the impact of 'dumb money' on shareholder structure and valuation

martedì 20 marzo 2018

Harvey Nichols team up with Farfetch to boost web sales - will it work?

The Harvey Nichols and FarFetch team up is the latest example of retailers partnering up to share a capability set and fits the trend of luxury brands finally doing more than dipping their toes into the ecommerce ocean

martedì 20 marzo 2018

Look east: The new frontier for eCommerce innovation

Further evidence of the rapid pace of innovation and disruption in Asian eCommerce

lunedì 19 marzo 2018

The mechanics of business

Analytics can help you to make better business plans, both by breaking down plans into their components, and by aggregating plans so you can see the big picture

venerdì 16 marzo 2018

Forget omnichannel, it’s time to choose profitable growth

“Being Omnichannel” has morphed over time to become a dangerous pursuit for retailers striving for profitability and growth

lunedì 12 marzo 2018

Write the launch press release and FAQ to sharpen the first step in product development

Great insight into how AWS is developing such an explosive growth in services. Being clear about what you'd say to the press on launch, and how you'd handle the key questions relevant to many clients

venerdì 9 marzo 2018

B2B distributors must change their operating model to survive, let alone thrive

One-click ordering has transformed the way customers shop in the B2C space, and the same change is coming to many B2B distributor segments most notably “industrial” and “construction” related products

venerdì 12 gennaio 2018

Artificial Intelligence vs Real Stupidity: Busting 5 myths

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the buzzword at the forefront of technology nowadays. You can’t spend more than 5 minutes browsing business or tech news without some bond-villain-esque billionaire telling us we are in the “golden age of AI”

martedì 9 gennaio 2018

698 Seconds - why less is more when designing your dashboard

698 seconds - that’s all it took for Apollo 11 to get into orbit. Just under eleven minutes to take three astronauts and about 100,00lbs of spaceship from the launch site at the Kennedy Space Centre to 160 miles above the Earth’s surface, and on to the Moon

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