Simona Dossena


Simona is a solid and reliable senior professional with 20 years of working experience.

She worked 10 years as a manager in a leading player of the Italian gaming industry. As Corporate Finance, Strategy, Planning & Control Director and as Investor Relator, she contributed to guide the development of the Group supporting the organic growth and the business development activities both in Italy and abroad.

When she joined the Milan office in 2012, she transferred her previous managerial experience in consultancy and nowadays she has a pivotal role in firm-building activities as well as covering and pursuing new business opportunities mainly within Leisure and Food & Beverage sectors. A hands-on approach, natural empathy, ability to manage complex situations represent her pillar to address consultancy projects.

Simona has particular interest for sustainability and people development, she founded Malaika Children’s Friends Onlus in 2011 actively participating to the activities in Europe and Tanzania.

Education & Experience

  • Sisal Group, Milan
  • Post Graduate, Strategy at SDA Bocconi, Milan
  • Economics, Corporate Finance at Bocconi University, Milan

Focusing and understanding client needs to manage complex situation with a pragmatic approach and levering the strength of the team are key success factor in our job.
