Meet Our People

We’re an organisation of individuals cut from different cloths but united by a common purpose – working together with our clients and colleagues to build relationships that last.
That means we come up with the brave answers that set us – and our clients – apart.
When asked, what sets OC&C apart from other strategy consultancies, the most common answer is a group of intelligent, motivated and genuinely fun people which make up the supportive workforce. But, don’t take our word for it – hear what our team has to say.

Hear from our team
" "When researching consulting firms, it became clear that OC&C was the perfect size – large enough to do meaningful and exciting work, but still personal enough to facilitate quick building of relationships, trust and reputation." "

" "One of the great things about OC&C is the sheer amount of activities and events organised by the company, from large scale ones like the away weekend and international training week to one off trips to comedy clubs and sports events. I’ve enjoyed getting involved in all of these." "

Associate Partner
" "Outside of projects there’s a great social scene at the firm, whether it’s through everyday lunches with people, all the way to the annual weekend firm trip which is a pretty amazing experience!" "

Associate Partner
" "Joining a peer group is one of the best and most unique aspects of choosing to work at OC&C. You quickly forge strong friendships with the consultants you join with and end up socialising with them not just at the bi-annual peer group dinners but at weekends and on holidays too." "

Associate Partner
" "The advice I would give to my younger self (and anyone out there really) is to be brave and adventurous. Go for the things that challenge you and for the things that excite you. And have fun doing those!" "

Associate Partner
" "I love working with consumer businesses in the food space, from grocery to restaurants." "

Associate Partner
" "My favourite project was when I was working for an ecommerce retailer in New York. The key question was in a world where Amazon is so dominant how could they differentiate themselves. The project had a great team, really nice client, interesting question and good work-life balance while spending two months in NYC!" "

Associate Partner
" "I have had exposure to a very broad range of industries and business types – and I have learnt how to think critically and write lucidly about complex business models and trends." "

Associate Partner
" "My journey has been very linear. I have stayed at OC&C with no breaks for MBA / secondment / startup / soul-searching. After five years as Partner, I moved from London to New York to help drive growth in our US office." "

" "I worked as a strategy consultant at Monitor Group after I got my MA in Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the USA." "

" "Since joining OC&C in London 7 years ago, I have worked across the full range of industry sectors that OC&C offers – from retail and consumer goods to software and hosting – for clients in the UK, Europe, Asia and the US." "

" "I have learnt more than I could have ever imagined whilst being at OC&C on a variety of projects." "

" "The main reasons for my joining OC&C were the firm’s enviable reputation in industries that interest me and the firm’s desire to develop an analytics capability to help create better and more incisive strategy recommendations for our clients." "

Chief Analytics Officer
" ''I find a lot of joy in being a person that other people can rely on for guidance or answers. I very much like feeling a part of individual successes as well as exciting growth for the team as a whole.'' "

US Talent Manager
" ''What I enjoy most about my role is the people and the opportunities to learn. I have had the chance to be involved in a lot of initiatives and training over my time at OC&C.'' "

Senior PA
" ''With projects generally lasting 3 – 8 weeks, there is plenty of variety in the role and also an opportunity to learn and grow.'' "
