What was your background prior to joining OC&C?

Before joining OC&C I completed a BA Hons in Fine Art at The Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, whilst studying I worked in retail moving up the ranks before taking the leap to move to London and landed the position of receptionist at OC&C. Nine years and two promotions later I am now currently a Personal Assistant.

What’s your favourite OC&C experience?

So many to choose from! A recent one would be getting the opportunity to attend the Riot Clubs talks (thank you Women’s Initiative!) – being surrounded by strong, intelligent and like-minded women in the Groucho Club on a Monday night definitely sets you up for the rest of the week!

What do you like to get up to in your free time outside of the office?

I’m still very much engaged in the arts so in my spare time I will try to go to an exhibition of some sort, or failing that a weekly visit to the cinema! Weekends are spent in a restaurant or pub with my husband and friends or, weather dependant, a trip to the Ladies Pond in Hampstead Heath for a swim with the ducks.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Be bold, embrace the unknown and always be true to yourself!


"9 years and two promotions later I am now currently a Personal Assistant''
