My path into consulting was a slightly convoluted one. I studied American Politics at the University of Nottingham and went into teaching, via the Teach First graduate programme. I then decided to complete a Masters in Public Policy at the University of Cambridge and I finally settled on consulting as my next career step.
When researching consulting firms, it became clear that OC&C was the perfect size – large enough to do meaningful and exciting work, but still personal enough to facilitate quick building of relationships, trust and reputation. OC&C also stood out as the leader in ‘strategy consulting’ – I was much more interested in helping businesses prepare for an exciting if uncertain future than I was in some of the more technical or specialised types of consultancy.
For me, life outside projects is often as important to my satisfaction and well-being as the day-to-day work. The natural community of the peer group, as well as important relationships with people like your buddy or your mentor can make all the difference between a bad week and a good one, and they can also be an incredible source of information on any number of topics, both work related and not. Having got to know my peer group at training programmes, daily lunches, company events, and even a Norwegian ‘Porridge Party’, I feel I can genuinely call them friends as well as colleagues.
To anyone applying, my advice would be to think about what you want from your career. Consulting can be a great place to learn valuable skills before a move into something else or can be a great profession in itself. However, it is important to do your research and consider whether both the career and this firm are right for you, even if just for the short term. The application process – and the first year – at every consulting firm can be hard work and will require commitment to succeed.
""When researching consulting firms, it became clear that OC&C was the perfect size – large enough to do meaningful and exciting work, but still personal enough to facilitate quick building of relationships, trust and reputation."
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