
A filosofia da ADVISIA OC&C Strategy Consultants é tratar cada problema como único, oferecendo soluções verdadeiramente personalizadas em vez de recomendações genéricas para nossos clientes.

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Nesta seção, você pode visualizar e baixar nossos "Strategic Insights"; Pequenas peças provocativas que escrevemos como material para reflexão de nossos clientes.

Para ter acesso a todos os insights e expertise dos sócios, assine as publicações da ADVISIA OC&C
sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2020

The future of retail in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has lost its status as the ultimate shopping destination for Chinese tourists

quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2020

B2B digital disruption: A quiet revolution

Digital has been on corporate agendas for years, and the impact of Covid is only accelerating this, with businesses rushing to bring forward investments across a range of capabilities

quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2020

Opinion: The new channel split is buying vs shopping

Online retail took a big step forward during lockdown but it still cannot capture the experience of shopping, while physical retail faces its own post-pandemic challenge

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2020

B2B Pricing with COVID-19

Lockdowns have had huge immediate impact on business activity with great uncertainty on when “normality” will return, combined with the prospect of a longer-term recession. Many companies are facing severe short-term pressures, and understandably look to pass this on to their suppliers via price negotiations. So how should B2B companies think about reacting to pricing pressures?

quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2020

Return to the road

As the world cautiously ventures back outside after weeks in lock down, vehicles are starting to return to previously empty roads.  But rubber returning to the road does not mean usage and traffic will immediately bounce back to normal.

terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2020

(re)Starting with a clean sheet

As many businesses try to plot their way out of the Covid 19 nightmare, they are focusing on the practicalities of how to reopen, deliver on customer promise and expectations, navigate government support schemes and manage the all important cashflow throughout.

terça-feira, 31 de março de 2020

No-one in mobility is set up to win the 2020s auto battle — yet

Forget autonomous vehicles and car sharing—the auto industry’s real opportunity lies in giving consumers access to cars without the hassle of ownership and risk

segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2020

How to win the retail sustainability game in 2020

Consumer attitudes to ethical consumerism are unrecognisable from a decade ago. In 2010, the public agenda was just beginning to shame the likes of the fur trade. But now, the far-reaching topic of ‘sustainability’ tops the CEO’s agenda

quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2020

It's the uncertainty not the hardship that's so difficult

It's hard to find the right hyperbole to describe these extraordinary times that we find ourselves in. Today more than a quarter of the world's population are operating under lockdown with this number continuing to escalate rapidly

terça-feira, 24 de março de 2020

Opinion: Coronavirus accelerates us to a retail tipping point

In a crisis as big as this one, acting on the immediate challenges is critical. Thinking about the longer term may seem impossible, or at least deferrable. But in many ways, it is even more important

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