Although there is much uncertainty surrounding the UK macro-economy, it is clear that for the retail industry, the next year will see some of the toughest trading conditions for a decade. In the face of cost inflation and revenue pressure, our conversations with retail CEOs have been increasingly focused on how they best plot a path to cost savings to alleviate some of the near term pressure.
At OC&C we see a number of shortcomings of many of these plans, and some consistently missed opportunities to balance both efficiency and effectiveness – instead relying on relatively blunt instruments to engineer cost savings.
In particular we would urge retailers to carefully consider 4 areas as they craft their plans for the next year…
Those who emerge most successfully from the choppy waters of the next year will not be the retailers who simply cut closest to the bone, but those who have used tough trading as the catalyst to build a more effective and efficient model, capable of alleviating margin pressure through a tough landscape, whilst also retaining the capability to spring rapidly into growth on the other side.
We would be delighted to share more on how we see this balance being a very realistic ambition for retail leaders to strike.
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