Jörg is primarily active in the retail and consumer brands sector, supporting his clients across all go-to-market models (platforms, omnichannel, brick-and-mortar, e-commerce pureplays and wholesale) throughout the entire value chain. From strategy design to translating it into actionable advice, he has a particular focus on making strategies work within the operational and supply chain backbone.

In addition to his corporate work, Jörg advises private equity funds across the board during due diligence processes.

Éducation et expérience

  • Dr. rer. pol. – WIFU, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany
  • MBA – EGADE, Tec. de Monterrey, Mexico
  • Dipl. Betriebswirt – ESB Reutlingen, Germany
  • Partner at EY-Parthenon Germany / beforehand Associate Partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants

« Developing strategies for retail and consumer brands is all about being in it together with our clients, creating actionable advice along the value chain to generate true impact. »
