Watching the events in the US over the last week, the partners and leadership team are, like you, shocked, outraged and saddened.
We recognise that the past few months have been challenging for us all with the uncertainly of a global pandemic and many of us away from friends and family. The events that are unfolding in the US, following the murder of George Floyd, and the hurt, fear and anxiety that are being felt in the wider community add to that challenge for us all, and add enormously to our concern for our communities, family and friends.
At this time we want to send an important message of solidarity in particular to our black colleagues, their families and communities. This creates a moment of reflection and underscores the role we all play in ending racism and ensuring equal rights for all. If any good can come from this situation it will be a universal call for change and commitment to justice.
As a firm, we are committed to all efforts in diversity and inclusion to ensure OC&C is a place that fosters the values of respect, appreciation and equal opportunity for all – and explicitly – of racial equality. Importantly this is not a passive but an active stance and we are committed to listen and act to ensure all non-inclusive behaviours are eliminated from the workplace.
Alongside this, we all play a part in actively supporting this mission and extending care and support for all of those affected by these upsetting events.
These are difficult times, but we are committed to supporting each other and our broader communities.
James George,
International Managing Partner
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