Henry focuses on B2B Services, working with leading investors and industry players to address the most important strategic questions on their agenda.
As well as co-leading our US B2B Services practice, he co-leads our global “Science & Compliance” sub-sector. He works with both leading players and investors across B2B Services industries, but with deep focus and expertise in TIC, High-Tech Products & Services, Professional Services and Architecture & Engineering services.
Many of his clients are therefore particularly interested in a range of rapidly growing megatrends and investment themes that underpin the challenges facing B2B Services companies and investors, e.g.:
He also supports our key private equity clients across the investment life-cycle from prospect identification, commercial due diligence, post-acquisition value capture to exit strategy.
Henry is based in New York, but previously worked in our London office, and supports clients widely across North America and Europe.
We love nothing more than getting really stuck into the most challenging problems facing businesses and investors – and helping our clients find a clear and actionable strategy to address them.
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