Diversity & Inclusion

Widening Participation

Success isn’t determined by where you’ve come from or where you started, we care about maximising your potential
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At OC&C, we know that the diversity in our teams’ backgrounds and life experiences enables us to offer a broader range of perspectives, and therefore a stronger, more well-rounded answer for our clients.

We are committed to ensuring individuals from all backgrounds have an equal opportunity to be successful, especially at OC&C. As such, our Social Diversity Network centres around three pillars: outreach, recruitment and inclusion.


We aim to help bridge the information gap that so often exists for socially mobile students, to raise awareness of potential career routes and support with applications. We do this by partnering with CaseCrackers to mentor KS3 students in social mobility ‘cold spots’. We also proudly work with the 93% club and SEO.


We believe that performance is relative and, in partnership with Performance in Context (PiC), have implemented procedures to identify individuals that have been successful in comparatively challenging circumstances – ensuring they are assessed on their true performance and ability. We also use RARE flags and blind CV screening within our recruitment process.


Aside from our monthly meetings and regular socials, we host a Social Diversity Week each year. It aims to improve awareness of what social diversity is and why it’s important, celebrate the social diversity we have within OC&C today, and provoke conversations on how we can make the firm even more diverse and inclusive. We do this through a number of activities including: senior leadership panels (where colleagues discuss their backgrounds and obstacles faced), guest speakers, daily newsletters, and volunteering opportunities (eg with Hackney Foodbank).

OC&C is a meritocracy. Success isn’t determined by where you’ve come from or where you started, we care about maximising your potential.

Meet our members

"Always be yourself no matter what - be proud of your background (and your accent!)"




''I used to (and probably still do) focus a lot of energy on trying to be productive in the traditional sense - getting the most done in the minimum amount of time. I would tell my younger self that being productive is a good goal to have but to redefine productivity as 'being intentional with your time'. Therefore whether I'm working really hard, spending quality time with a friend or playing video games, as long as I'm doing it because I've actively chosen to do so, then that is productive.''




''Don’t be transactional. Life and careers are journeys and building long term relationships makes life more enjoyable.''




''As someone who has gone from one type of upbringing and transitioned into a very different private school life I have seen both sides of the fence. I genuinely think it does not matter remotely what your background is – in fact the diversity probably helps. Don’t try to ‘hide’ your personality or where you are from – it’s an intrinsic and important part of your personality, so you should be proud of it. The more of yourself you bring to work the more authentic it is, and the more clients and colleagues can get to know you''.




''The more you put into whatever you're doing, the more you get out of it. Stick your hand up and ask questions, put yourself forward, don't worry about looking a bit stupid. Life is more enjoyable and interesting this way.''




‘They may sound more confident, but that doesn’t mean that they are any more sure / right’.


