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martedì 13 agosto 2019

How SheIn cracked the Gen Z online fashion market

The Chinese online fashion store SheIn is a phenomenon in the UK, rocketing from 500,000 to 4 million unique monthly visitors in just six months

martedì 13 agosto 2019

Speed only matters if you're headed in the right direction

The retail world has changed from one where a once captive customer now has effective and instantaneous choice: for the average consumer, the number of 'accessible' retailers has expanded from 300 to over 800,000 in the last generation

martedì 6 agosto 2019

Aggregators in fitness: helping operators stay in shape or causing injury?

From the rise of low-cost gyms to the growth of new fitness concepts such as hip-hop spin and yogalates, the fitness industry has evolved at an impressive pace in recent decades

giovedì 25 luglio 2019

Reaping the reward of growing China domestic consumption

China just reported 6.2% quarterly economic growth -- the slowest in the past three decades. Domestic consumption continues to be an important growth driver for China - June retail sales reached 9.8% - better than many expected

mercoledì 10 luglio 2019

Can TIC solve climate change?

Can TIC (Testing, Inspection, and Certification) providers solve climate change? The short answer is no

giovedì 4 luglio 2019

Love & money: a deep dive into Alibaba’s Hema

The omnichannel buzz word has been omnipresent in most retailers’ vocabulary in recent years. A majority of them are painstakingly trying to integrate multiple online and offline touchpoints from discovery to purchase and services into a seamless and convenient journey for the customer

mercoledì 3 luglio 2019

Craving that physical contact?

The idea of a store that curates a range of interesting and relevant products in an inspiring environment is not a new one

martedì 2 luglio 2019

Eastern promise

Together with Coca-Cola, Chinese dairy group Mengniu will be sponsoring the Olympics between 2021 and 2032, under a combined $3bn sponsorship deal

mercoledì 12 giugno 2019

Binning the packaging problem

From Planet Earth imagery of sea turtles, to dire UN reports on climate change, the pressure on consumer companies to drive industry change in packaging has been rising relentlessly

martedì 4 giugno 2019

Getting a taste for success

Consumer goods companies are right to embrace the trends such as health, indulgence and convenience that currently underpin product development in food and drink. But being topical doesn’t mean you’re always doing the right thing

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